Stop Talking & Just Listen

In an interview, it’s common for a candidate to want to tell their WHOLE story in one single run-on sentence. 

Do. Not. Do. This!

1. Let the interviewer drive the conversation. 
2. Don’t talk over the interviewer; if you’re talking and the interviewer interrupts you then you should stop talking immediately. 
3. Pay close attention to what’s being said.  
4. Listen for what is NOT being said because that’ll tell you a whole lot, too.  
5. Don’t jump to conclusions. 
6. Don’t focus just on what YOU want to say NEXT.

A candidate who doesn’t quite match the job criteria but who IS a good listener can capture more attention and gain more traction in an interview process than a perfectly-skilled candidate who DOESN’T listen.

Wise is the individual who listens twice as much as he or she speaks.


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