The Elephant In the Room
If you feel there’s an issue that could torpedo your chances of getting the job, then tactfully address the issue head-on. Don’t be bashful about it. Just point to the elephant in the room and ask if it’s a showstopper. Here are some examples:
THE ISSUE: The job description lists 75% travel, but the recruiter has said it’s only 50%. Your family situation is such that you can only accommodate up to about 50%.
THE QUESTION TO ASK: “The job description lists 75% travel, but the recruiter mentioned it may only be around 50% What will the travel likely be? Are there spikes up to 75% at certain times of the year or will it always be at that level?”
THE ISSUE: Your current salary is much higher than the range you’ve been quoted.
THE QUESTION TO ASK: You initially mentioned that the current salary range is $100K to $110K, and around $130K after the bonus. My salary right now is $150K and last year I earned $180K. Is there any flexibility in the compensation range for this role?”
THE ISSUE: The company was recently acquired and has been downsizing. You want to know how secure your job will be, long term, should you join the team.
THE QUESTION TO ASK: “The company was recently acquired and I’ve talked to a few long-time industry colleagues who were recently caught up in a downsizing, here. Is there a chance that, if I were to join the team, this role might be cut at some point in the future?”
The key to handling any elephant in the room is to point to it and to talk about it. If the issue IS actually a showstopper, then you’ve just saved yourself time and effort continuing down an interview process that’s a waste of time. If the issue really isn’t an issue at all, you can breathe easy and stop worrying about it.
Either way, it’s healthier to bring issues to the forefront than to ignore them and hope they go away.
Hope is NOT a strategy; communication IS.