FOLLOWING UP ON AN APPLICATION ( to revive your resume when it appears it's keeping company with the socks that got lost in the dryer)

When you find a job opportunity and want to be proactive, leverage your LinkedIn profile:

1. Look through your own network to see if you know anyone at the company who can give you some insight into the organization, make an introduction, or give you a recommendation.

2. Look on LinkedIn for the manager to whom you’d likely report.
--If you're not connected to that individual, send an invite to connect plus a quick note introducing yourself. 
--If you are connected, look for the individual’s contact info in their profile, or send an inmail.

3. Look for the company’s HR Manager, Recruiter, or Talent Acquisition expert, and send an invite to connect along with an intro note referencing your interest in the role.

If you don’t hear back after 2 or 3 attempts, take the opportunity off your radar. You don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes so, even if your background is PERFECT for the role and the job was CLEARLY written for you, just let it go.

If a response DOES arrive later, don’t be critical of the delay—just go with the flow and see where the conversation takes you.


THE JOB is a TWO-WAY street


Does your employer monitor employees’ LinkedIn profiles?