You Can Learn to Say “Hard” Names

I saw somewhere on LinkedIn a picture of a mug with this statement on it, YOU CAN LEARN TO SAY “HARD” NAMES, which was created by That mug statement is so true!  

When you meet someone for the first time, via phone, video call, or in person, and you don’t know how to pronounce that person’s name—or you didn’t catch their name when it was told to you—you’re likely to just let it go and hope for the best because you’re too embarrassed to say something. But just wait a minute. If you sweep the situation under the rug and just keep plowing forward, now you’ve got current embarrassment because you don’t know who you’re talking to (which means you cannot introduce them to someone else if the situation arises) AND potential future embarrassment because you’re going to have to a) ask the individual again what their name is, b) ask someone else what the individual’s’ name is (and hope they actually know), or c) completely ignore the whole situation and come across as a knucklehead.  

If you don’t catch someone’s name, or if you don’t know how to pronounce, just stop and ask! Immediately! The person you’re talking to will appreciate your effort and good manners in getting their name right. If the person has an unusual name that everyone mispronounces, he or she will be so glad to talk to someone who finally cares enough to get it right. If the person criticizes you for wanting to learn how to say their name correctly, then they’re the knucklehead.

I just wonder how much business hasn't been won, or how many friendships haven't been fostered, all because one person didn't ask another person, “can you tell me your name again? or "can you help me pronounce your name correctly?" 

Be brave, be bold, and give it a shot. I double-dog dare you.

Stories from the trenches…

A comment from a job seeker: “I’m not actively searching…I’m just allowing myself to be found.”


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