Don’t Assume You Need Additional Education

If you’re a new graduate and can’t find your dream job, don’t assume you need additional certifications or an advanced degree to get where you need to go. For the most part, once a degree is earned, you just need to gain work experience...and that work experience probably won’t be anywhere near as glamorous or as high-flying as you were led to believe it would be by your college professors. The bottom line is, you’re more than likely going to have to start at the bottom of the ladder performing those menial, mundane tasks that are actually the glue that hold any business together. Activities like taking online orders, data entry, assembly line, packing and shipping, warehousing, filing…the list goes on and on. Don’t continue your education just because the world isn’t beating a path to your door. Staying in college just postpones the inevitable job search and you’ll have more debt to repay at the end of it.


Just stay with the job search and be willing to take on a role that might be far lower than what you feel you deserve. You won’t be in that role forever but you will learn a lot about yourself, plus you just never know what kind of springboard that job will become or what connections and opportunities you’ll find while there.

Stories from the trenches…

Seen on LinkedIn: Diversity is the mix; inclusion is making the mix work.


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