[Don’t] Show Me The Money!

That iconic line from the movie “Jerry McGuire”….”Show me the money!”   

Great movie. Great line. But not always the best advice. 

A job seeker left his long-time employer for a hefty salary increase and equity in a start-up but, a few months later, he was downsized when the board needed to cut costs in order to weather the economic downturn. 

He hadn’t even been unhappy in his old role…he just saw the potential to make a boat-load of money, and had made the switch. Something he now regrets doing.

Consider this; if you’re pretty content in your job, and you like your boss and your team, and the ONLY reason you’d consider leaving your employer is for more money, then consider staying put for now.  Better to make less money in a solid, safe, tried-and-true company than to hitch your raft to an iffy start-up whose motto is, “This product is SO great, even BAD management CAN’T mess it up!” Believe me…bad management WILL mess it up! They won’t be able to help themselves.  

When considering a job change, don’t make money the deciding factor. Instead, choose the option that will yield the LEAST amount of regret down the road. You’ll thank yourself later. 


Is It Okay to Fudge Dates on a Resume?


Aim for the 5!